Visible online players

You should be able to see all people that are in the forums online. It would be helpful so that you can easily find a helper that is online and message them for help without having to wait so long because they’re not even online. And it would just be satisfying to see how many people are in the forums,

This seems a bit niche, but not hard to implement either

Yeah I know that it is an option that is doable on discourse.

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Small bump, but this feature (which you’re probably remembering from the Lifeboat forum) is a plugin for Discourse. Specifically, this one: Discourse Who's Online - plugin - Discourse Meta. Includes an online members list at the top and an online indicator on profiles.

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Should definitely be added and don’t condemn me for bumping because I’m pretty sure you haven’t seen this before.

Excuse me, I read every single post

Not you, the people who mini mod me