Variant Voting?


what if you could vote for different variants of maps in mm but you cant vote for backrooms variants so you cant get a better chance of doing the computer thing in backrooms?

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so basically once you have voted initially it would pop with a second screen to vote for variants although it would only appear if there are variants

That would kinda ruin the whole point of the back rooms map, it’s mysterious layout and hidden secrets would just get revealed


The problem with that is that people will just keep voting the maps which contain secrets like the computer map or the custom map and no one will pick the other maps because their useless like what’s going on right now since the backrooms map is getting over voted compared to other maps

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I agree with these posts above. :point_up_2:
Variant voting would kind of ruin the secret code hunt.

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You misread it they meant that when the backrooms map is chosen the variants pop up not in the main map selection screen.


I think the varient voting could be limited to just hive+ maybe

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God, you have no Idea how much I miss the old maps being votes. Maybe Im just feeling “homesick” but Backrooms and castle town have been top vote, both of which maps Im not a fan, which is a discussion for another topic, but yeah backrooms is already voted enough.