Updating the office map

Updating the office map

Office is one of the most popular and oldest maps. I’m sure many people are tired of the monotony of this location, so I suggest updating it by adding new interactive elements and the ability to commit sabotage. Or by slightly changing the structure of the corridors and rooms. It will most likely be easier than creating a new map from scratch

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  • Yes, it’s time to update the old version of the map!
  • No, it’s not worth invading the classics!
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Don’t forget to vote!:pray:

Yes please! Especially all of those cringe hiding spots, voted!


Good idea! Voted! And the hiding spots are sooooo annoying


Office could do with a reimagining, with broader, less linear spaces, and a fix up with the vents.


I really love the presentation on this post, it’s very professional :o

But this posts seems very vague. Do you have any specific ideas? Which corridors are you talking about? Do you want to vents to be 2 blocks wide or add extra ways to get in?

I think adding new maps and variants would be cooler instead of totally changing Office.


I really like this idea. We need it for sure!

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Thanks for the feedback!

I have some difficulties with translation, so I try not to write a lot of text.
It seems to me that new maps are really needed, but old ones should also be updated periodically so that they don’t get boring. For example, you can add teleports to dead-end rooms or build new ventilation passages to make the game on this map more interesting. In addition, in order to make the gameplay more fun, you can add the ability to arrange sabotage (for example, for 10 or 5 coins, the killer could release air through the ventilation, which would poison those who are there, as in deatrun).


There are literally like 4 hiding spots which aren’t even good XD
Anyways, on the topic of the post, I don’t really see why not, it makes sense than making a bunch of new maps, and also while they are at it maybe they could update some of the older maps as well like museum and werehouse. It could spice things up. Besides, I don’t know if I’m the only one, but personally I feel like office is kinda overrated and maybe shining some light to these underrated maps would encourage people to play a bit more. Idk, just kinda spit balling here :upside_down_face:


yeah we definitely need this. office has been a map since the beginning and has since got zero updates besides some spruce-ups. will vote when I can!


I agree but I need more ideas!

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