Update sg to match other arcade games

This is not a suggestion to simply update sg, this is a suggestion to update it to the more colorful and fast-paced style of the arcade. Allow me to explain, my idea is to basically convert sg into an arcade game since it already is in the arcade hub. Some ways they could do this are:

  • Adding new items like ctf’s speed berries. (This is an example of a new item, not a suggestion to add speed berries.)
  • Making the maps smaller and more colorful. (Mini SG4 would be nice. :blush:)
  • Maybe dropping the fight to the death theme for something more colorful in nature. (Or maybe not.)
  • Updating the npc to have a more colorful outfit.
  • Adding more levels as outlined in this post.

I know these ideas may not be liked by some people, but sg really needs an update, I think we all can agree on that. Since sg was moved to the arcade, the arcade hub has just felt a bit… off. The theming of sg doesn’t match that of the arcade at all. I basically just want them to make it feel like it belongs there.

Another thing, if this gets added I would like for them to keep the old maps in custom servers so people can still play on them.

Thank you for reading. :smile:

I’ve gone ahead and vote this, I do agree with the fact that SG definitely needs an update. Moreover, they should also focus on adding things to the Gravestone. :blush:


They do have a lot of Gravestones from events, bundles and more

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I like this idea voted

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I think this would need to be either a seperate mode or a rotation style thing cause many would be angry if they changed SG, a big part of SG is the more slow gameplay style.

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No, Survival Games already has a running problem. Just hit someone once and they start running a marathon. I feel like this will encourage that.

Yea the maps are too big but idk about it being more colorful

The NPC is personally fine as it is. I feel like it lives up to the name of Survival Games well.

Survival Games does need an update but we dont need “colorful” things for the npc’s or maps and stuff like that.


Those are all valid points, but here are my thoughts stemming from the original idea for this suggestion.

You are right about the running thing, speed berries were just an example of a new item. I don’t want speed berries, just something new and creative.

The entire point of this suggestion was to make sg feel like an arcade game, and all the arcade games are very colorful, therefore, the maps must be colorful as well.

Same thing with the npc. It has to be more colorful to match the other arcade npcs. I understand that it matches the game’s theme but this topic is about changing that theme.

Everything in the arcade except for sg has that more colorful theme. I would argue that since they moved it, they made the arcade feel like it has lost that theme. SG is an arcade game now, whether we like it or not, but it wasn’t designed for the arcade, so it just doesn’t fit. I am suggesting to redesign it to actually belong in the arcade.

This is just a suggestion and probably won’t be added, but it would make a lot more sense if sg is supposed to be an arcade game now. :smile:

If this post comes off as aggressive I’m sorry. :sweat_smile:

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I reckon just make it another version of survival games and put it on the same statue.


They could do that, but it might divide sg’s already low player count even further. It might also bring new players though. :smile:

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Bump just realized this might be an accidental dupe to this post. Both seek to make sg more modern, but I want it to be changed to a specific style, so I think it is different enough.

5/28/2023 Edit bump: A lot of people dislike SG so maybe a little change (or a lot) is all it needs. :pleading:

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I love SG, anything to make it have atleast a little popularity I’m down with.