U actually get a partner in SG Duos

In SG Duos you ALWAYS get a partner

SG Duos tries to add all the Districts in the game and say if there is 14 players only Districts 1 and 2 will be a duo so what about an update that made it so there is only 7 Districts in this case and everyone will have a partner as there is an even number of players

Only if there is an odd number of players you may not have a partner or if they leave the game or get killed

If you don’t understand here is a more clear example 14[12] in the brackets there are 12 Districts so that only means there are 2 Districts with partners so how about it looks like this: 14[7] Everyone would have a partner then:) please give this an upvote if you think this would be a good idea

so instead of adding all the districts, add the most full teams?

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Yes! It’s unfair how some people are not in a team and there are people in a team