Two Concepts / Boombox Blaster & Chicken Pet


Bedwars has recently been released on Hive, and with it came a fun addition called the Island Turret (Helps with ranged defense by automatically shooting arrows) and they play a role in helping fill in a gap with defensive measures! The thing is, it’s only an aid to close-range defense… So the Boombox Blaster would help fill in with mid/long-ranged defense!

Images above show the normal & aggrovated version of the Boombox Blaster‎ ‎ :smile:

First things first, let’s address the obvious here. The Boombox Blaster would be a stronger layer of extra defense than an Island Turret. After all, it is a bit more explosive in power in comparison! To add balance to this concept, here are some baseline concepts to grasp about it:

  • The price of the Boombox Blaster will be set as 24 diamonds, which is right between the pricepoint of Diamond Armor (32 diamonds + 4 emeralds) & the Island Turret (32 gold), which means that for the most part players will be able to use it mid-late game

  • For every team, there would be a limit of only 1 Boombox Blaster compared to the 3 Island Turrets that a team can purchase (If Megas does get added, 2 - 3 limit)

  • The firing rate of the Boombox Blaster would be set to a 15 second cooldown as the projectiles shot do considerably more than the Island Turret and will naturally come into use less given how gameplay usually goes

So… Where’s the true value of this more expensive variant of defense? The value pretty much comes in how you, the player use it. There is no boomboxes from the start that you can use for the Boombox Blaster, but that’s actually what opens up the more fun & strategic aspect of the device!

Frankly, it would be pretty dull if only the Default Boombox (Red) was able to be shot out of it, so with the Boombox Blaster, you’d be able to choose which Boomboxes you can shoot (The boomboxes listed below) and define the order of which they are shot (Determined based on time put into the boombox blaster, so be smart!). In total, there would be 8 different boomboxes that one can select to be shot with a maximum of 5 in the queue at once! They go as follows:

:boom:‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Default Boombox (8 gold)
Good ol’ way of getting things done

:spider_web: ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ Cobweb Boombox (4 diamonds)
Leave your opponent hanging around like a spider

:fire: ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ Fire Boombox (4 diamonds)
Up the heat of your defensive pressure

:snowflake: ‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Frozen Boombox (4 diamonds)
Show that your bed is the chillest one around

:eye_in_speech_bubble: ‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Blindness Boombox (4 diamonds) (Yet to add this to the screenshot below)
Makes it a bit harder for your opponents to see victory

:test_tube: ‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Poison Boombox (2 emerald)
What’s that in the air?! It’ll make even the strongest sick

:pick: ‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ Fatigue Boombox (2 emerald) (NOT ON HIVE)
Protect like an Elder Guardian! (Get the reference?)

:crossed_swords: ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ Weakness Boombox (2 emerald) (NOT ON HIVE)
Make dull the weapons of your opponents

Images above show the 8 boomboxes listed above (Gray is weakness & Pink is Fatigue)‎ ‎

As you may see from above, there are plenty of good options for defense that you can choose from, but they come at varying costs! Essentially that adds an extra layer of skill to using the Boombox Blaster in terms of defensive tactics that players could build off of, which could potentially be welcomed by the community!

This is all I’ve got for the Boombox Blaster at the moment, but I’m definitely going to hear y’all out on feedback to make it a better concept in the end! Here’s an animation I made that showcases it a bit better! Don’t mind the next part of the post that clumsily popped up, needed an “enemy” for it to detect :smirk: :eyes:


‎This definitely didn’t take like 20 minutes to get optimized to be under 4mb, ( Hive please up it :sob: )


Been quite a while since we saw the addition of a cute fella to the fleet of Hive pets! So, why not just add Cluck… The clumsy chicken! Found him on Blockbench when I was working on the Boombox Blaster and brought them here cause they want attention

One version of Cluck wouldn’t be enough though, so there’s actually three that you’d be able to pick from of course! Not all chickens are the same :smile:

As always, open to take time to improve the concept based on feedback and thankyou for your time in reading this!

Love this!


Very nice idea. I voted. Also, I have to say 4 things:

1st: Vote your own ideas.
2nd: In which website you made these pictures and the video (or gif)? These look awesome.
3rd: There is a rule that says “1 idea, 1 topic” (in a nutshell). So add the bonus idea to a new topic.
4th: I don’t think that a weakness boombox exists. I think that a darkness one exists, so if I’m right, you will have to replace the weakness one with the darkness one (to match with the colours).


The weakness and fatigue boomboxes are 2 boomboxes that I was thinking could be added! They’d fit in pretty well with Bedwars


Ok. But doesnt a darkness one exists? If yes, you can make a black boombox too. :sweat_smile:

it is called a blindness boombox AND I LOVE THE CHICKEN I NEED THAT CHICKEN IN MY LIFE :beedance:


Sure, why not! I could add that :+1:


i love ur block bench models :beedance:


wow!!! the model is amazing this needs to be added!!!


Absolutely incredible suggestion and great concept! Amazing models and animation (:

I hope it gets added to Bed Wars. I love chaotic items and that would definitely be one of my favorites!!


This is so cool. Upvoted.


This looks AMAZING! Good job as always Bnoob! I really like the idea of being able to upgrade the turrets and that they are boomboxes instead of arrows.
Just something I’d like to add tho, I think it would be beneficial to slightly nerf the boomboxes and make it so they don’t destroy blocks else it would be almost impossible to reach their base without dying.

Also make sure to only suggest one idea per post! :cubee:


None of them would break blocks as the block breaker boombox is not able to be shot from it :sweat_smile:

I’ll also be sure to only do one concept at a time later, but too late to change it now lol. Also thanks Zap!!! :smile:


holy heck this is the best suggestion I’ve ever seen


I LOVE the models! I’m obviously voting for this!


Wait so you have to refilk?


Yup! Once you get boomboxes in, it’d be automatic until it runs out! It would take a good while before you’d have to reload though if you got 5 in there :eyes:


Firing you as the full time chef and make you the owner of the restaurant, the concepts are great and fitting for the server. KEEP COOKING :fire::fire:


Even I’m shocked by what great concepts these are, they’re original! Voted


U got my vote…