TV screen in hub?

It could just be a slideshow showing some cool new stuff

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I think the main issues imo are:
1 - where would you put it in hub
2 - as mentioned, it would be pretty laggy
3 - I feel like an update would somehow break that


Cool! You must have gooten this idea from mcpedl cuz 1 week before theres a addon on that

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Throne room?

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The tv can be in the air?

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It could definitely be in the air.

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Not sure what mcpedl is to be honest, my thoughts were authentically mine :laughing:


Mcpedl are where addons are created

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A robot is planned that you can click and it says you all important things and the robot shouldn’t bee (:honeybee:) laggy


Oh yeah, the mailbot right?


Yep! I’m not really sure what we’d put on a screen that wouldn’t be in mailbot’s notifications :sweat_smile:


The real problem is how would the screen move ?

Item Frames (Minecraft Paints) ?
Pixel Art ?
Cuqtom Geometry ?

Or I am missing something?


Nah it ain’t.
It’s where people share different addons/packs, you can’t code with a website


It’s hive. Bees live in hives.


but still, was the pun really necessary

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i mean, what you’d expect for a server named ‘Hive Games’?

anyways, talking about the TV, as mentioned before there is already a upcoming bot that will give you messages about new features or stuff


Nothing but that pun was way too forced D:

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This aged well, with the New Years TVs.

So do we count this as a accepted suggestion?

Don’t know

I am going to bump this since recent events have provided more relevant information. We are supposedly getting a new hub soon so this could be added in that.
I do, however, think that the arcade hub would be a really good fit for this idea.

I have listed my reason for kinda-sorta necroposting below, and I believe that it is justified. Please don’t ban me. :pleading_face:

Continuing the discussion from Hive Forum Rules:

I bumped this since I believe the post should be reopened for discussion due to new information/updates being made public.