Treasure Wars Trios Overhaul

I have had a really cool Idea for treasure wars trios
It will split it into two modes
The current which follows the squads format with 2 gens and those maps
And my proposal that another game mode called trios(duos format) is created it will have 1 generator and have the duos maps and 8 teams
24 people will be pretty chaotic but would be so fun
The options would then be
Trios(Duos Format)
Trios(Squads Format)

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This is a dupe of the post you linked it to, in fact, you went to the original post which came up as a duplicate post when titleing this one, but instead of realising that you shouldn’t make the post, you decided to make it, and then go to the original post (that was 2 years old mind you) and claim it as a duplicate.

Don’t do that


as you very well know, this is a duplicate:

dont do that


yes like others have said this is a dupe

also make sure to read the rules! Hive Forum Rules

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Duplicate suggestion.