Treasure Wars Gold Splitting

Hi! I havn’t been on here for a few months! I recently (June) got a brand new laptop and I can finally play on the Java Edition! But, I have started coming back to Bedrock, because Java edition is quite boring… So, I would like to suggest a new feature in Treasure Wars. One that will stop the nightmares of your gold being stolen! :stuck_out_tongue: I think that the game would benefit from having gold being split across all players on the generator. We all have been there. A game of TW starts, you secure your own generator, and suddenly, a default skin runs up and HE starts getting YOUR gold! This would solve that problem, allowing all players to get a fair start! Devs, admins, players, leave your feedback below!


I would love this idea, because I think It’s quite annoying.
And this should go to #games:suggestions. :heart:


Not being funny, but gold not splitting and the fact that an enderchest should be an enderchest not a team chest is the reason I mostly dislike solo queueing doubles and team modes. Part that and part I have nu friends and prefer solo fsr. Also i get annoyed at people who dont know what theyre doing. Kinda like the people who spend MY ems on a diamond sword before saving for diamond armour. Makes me cry ;(


Thanks. @Splodg3r moved it for me before I did!

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I agree, i would love this because whenever i play with randoms, they always sit on the generator and somehow gets all the gold.


I do think some admin or maybe one of the owners said it would destroy early-game economy, but I am 100% for this idea, as like 90% of hive players can’t constantly party somebody up


The gold getting logic is really annoying.
the early alphabet username is ALWAYS win.

my friend have start from A, and he said, “I have never be stolen gold.”
my another friend start from Y, and he said, “I have be stolen always.”

please randomize it, or be more shareable.

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It doesn’t work like that, pretty sure it’s ping. My name starts with X and I don’t get stolen by someone starting with A.


Maybe it should have an algorithm to divide evenly so people don’t get more gold. It would still be a problem, but it would be better(you’d only have to wait for 10 gold to get your wool, instead of the noob getting their 32 gold for endstone)

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It might be the order in which someone joins the game, not sure about that though.

@anon14919351 you bump your own post but that’s funny

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oh, really?
those friends live same apartments and use shared wire. so I thought like that. :joy:

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it’s allowed to revive your own post.

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That’s the point of the suggestion xD


Forgot to vote before you bumped lmao


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Rawr I hate you. Jk


I don’t feel like the gold stealing is enough of an issue to warrant a system in place, personally, but if they did implement one, I’m not sure splitting like that would even be possible? And, as was mentioned, I do feel like it would disrupt the economy of the game which is a big risk just to stop some gold being stolen.

Perhaps a better system would be simply increasing the amount of summoners and reducing the speed in which gold spawns? I still don’t think it’s ideal but it seems like quite a few people want some system in place and that would be a lot easier than coding limits on the gold you can pick up.


Sounds like a good idea would really love to see this in-game!

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bunp i like this due it being hard to get gold in this game.

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my name starts with a a and i dont get gold all the time what do you mean