Translations of Treasure Wars Solo

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Treasure Wars

Affected Text:
グレー の財宝が破壊されました!
グレー が敗退しました!
マゼンタ の財宝が破壊されました!
マゼンタ が敗退しました!
アクア が敗退しました!
ゴールド チームの勝利です!

Suggested Text:
灰色 の財宝が破壊されました!
灰色 が敗退しました!
紫 の財宝が破壊されました!
紫 が敗退しました!
水色 が敗退しました!
金色 チームの勝利です!

Explanation of Issue:
other colors, such as green, blue, red and yellow are translated into japanese, but gray, magenta, aqua and gold are still in katakana, which is a bit weird…

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion!

After discussions with our translators, we have implemented all of your ideas except your suggested changes for the colors magenta and aqua.

We’ll be keeping the translation of ‘aqua’ the same, as it is often directly borrowed from English in many contexts, especially in design or fashion. So, ‘アクア’ would be recognized by many Japanese speakers.

As for your suggestion for ‘magenta’, we have gone with ‘赤紫色’, the translation used in Minecraft.

Apologies for the time it took to get to this, and thank you again for your contribution :slight_smile:

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