Translation Error (Spanish Mexico)

Affected Language:
Spanish (Mexico)

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Treasure Wars: Megas

Affected Text:
¡Esbirro destruido por (jugador)!

Suggested Text:
!Tesoro destruido por (jugador)!

Explanation of Issue:
The word Esbirro is an incorrect translation for the side treasures in Megas, as the word is associated to a person (henchman) rather than an object. Instead, the word tesoro (treasure) should be used to accurately define the side treasure.

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshot of the affected text

Hey there,

Thank you for submitting a translation bug report.

The English translation of this string is ‘Minion destroyed by X’, this is, therefore, an accurate translation.

Have a great day :slight_smile: