Translation Bug Error in Groundwars Menu

Affected Language:
English maybe in other language too

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Ground wars, menu

Affected Text:
Fight for territory control. Each kills grants more territory. First team to capture the whole maps wins.

*The emphasized text is the error

Suggested Text:
Fight for territory control. Each kills grants more territory.

First team to capture the whole maps wins.

Explanation of Issue:
Well, other game menu (the og image) have a row before the explanation to win. But, in the ground wars menu, the explanation to win dont have row. i think its kinda detailed

Screenshots and/or video:


Okay @Splodg3r thx :slight_smile:

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Thanks for submitting a translation bug report.

As this is an issue with the English string, it’s unfortunately not something that we can easily fix, luckily this issue is purely cosmetic, and doesn’t negatively impact gameplay in any way.

In future, we ask that you submit issues with English text in the Server Bug Reports section :+1: