Nah bro Toaster 100% also bump because we need this!
Better than my clay cupcake I made in 3rd or 4th grade
Oh my bread! I love this. :)
Bro did you forget this was your idea
The fact that you fan change it to burnt toast just sells it to me.
No, I just agree with them adding a Time Owl pet more than my suggestion. (It has a really cool concept.) (Also edit bump ig.) (Not a big bump or anything, just a few hours.)
I love this idea
ha meer mortal i made toast with a toaster OMG im so cool
bump: lol looks great
Bump , I still love this concept!
How are you using your custom emojis like that?? LOL. Is it a tag code? Explain
its a small image perhaps
I have explained this in the emoji suggestion.
Yeah it’s basically a small image like oblivion said.
Mabey animations for the pet
First animation: toast pops out of nowhere and falls into the toaster
Second animation: the toast gets burnt and shoots out of the toaster in the air onto the floor and then disappears
We need different variants of the pet that would have Toast, Waffles, or other food things inside
ok I put the Cubee emoji there because it’s a Hive suggestion not because Cubees are food
Well said.
Yes I want this as a person who has toast almost everyday
Now I want toast
EDIT: Just made myself toast and it was delicious
Yo lol i hope
this idea gets added! I love a new pet idea