Title Idea "On The Run"

Idea: On The Run.
So I’ve been playing Hide and Seek for awhile now and I thought what if hive added a “on the run” title.

More information:

The way you would get it the title is by never
letting the “Hiding” bar even activate. I dont know how hard that is but I’m guessing very hard to do but if you could that’d be great and a fun alternative challenge to prop hunt!

Although it does defeat the purpose of hiding, it also provides a challenge for you and the other players to survive through the group hunting you down!

Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:
Since prop hunt is referring to Hide and Seek, you can put your suggestion under Hide and Seek

So then basically not hiding? I think that defeats the purpose of the game in a way.

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Just running around is a strategy some people use, and sometimes it works! those goddamn leaves on hospital

anyway, this is a pretty good idea, and would be great to add in as an achievment!
although, then you wouldn’t get your hubtitle, just XP. perhaps some achievments could grant different rewards?


But in Hive it’s called Hide and Seek.
But this sounds good and I had done this in Town Square :>