Tips for New Players in the Lobby!

Have tips in the lobby

If we have tips in the lobby, it could cut down on camping and other issues by stopping it at the root. New people joining the game and developing these bad habits by watching others.

You know how in hide and seek you have those signs when waiting to be released as a seeker? Maybe have those in the murder mystery lobby near the front. Maybe in the building behind where you spawn? It’ll help new players learn the best way to play a role, and maybe a tip that an older player didn’t know. This will stop the bad habits in Murder Mystery from forming and it will be easier for new players to learn to play the game! ^^ Please leave critiques of this in the comments to help me make this better of an idea! Thanks for reading!

Ex. of tip: Innocent: Run around and collect coins to unlock power up’s around the map and save up for a bow! Tip: Switch between 1st and 3rd person to see if people are chasing you without having to turn around and slow down!
Maybe something like that?

Could be helpful. It took me a few games to realise that you get a bow after 10 coins. Also I didn’t know that you can get an extra arrow in the map with the red, blue, and yellow house (forgot the name) when you find all 3 coloured cubes.
And also after 1000 games, I just learned that you only need to tap on the bow to shoot, instead of holding and waiting :sweat_smile:

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