Tiebreaker for Skywars

Someone already made a similar post to this on kits. Skywars really needs a tie breaker at the end of the game. If there are 2 really good players, sometimes, not often, but sometimes the game time runs out, and it ends in a tie. The winner is decided by who had the most kills, ores mined, etc. There really needs to be a death match of some sort where both players are given a sword, full diamond, and nothing else. They would be teleported to an flat island with nothing on it to make the fight as fair as possible. They would then fight to the death with only sword and armor, making the ending fair and not controversial. There is no luck involved, and the best player will come out on top.

If you have questions please ask I will be happy to answer them. Have a nice day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This would also stop people from getting a couple kills and then just camping at their base waiting for time to run out hoping they will win with the kills they got.
When do you suggest this happens? As soon as 2 players are left or a minute or 2 after that just so the players have the chance to fight? Or after the game has hit 0:00 on the timer?

Just got out of school. Thanks for asking! I would either suggest giving the last 2 players 1 minute to prepare or just as the time runs out.

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Deathmatches are a boring way to end games most of the time and they do not belong to SkyWars in my opinion. Survival Games has this as it otherwise would take ages for players to find and fight each other on such a large map.

There is no ‘winner’ when the timer runs out, these are just some mentionable things players did in the game (except deaths I guess, I have no idea why that is displayed), as a placeholder.

So basically you gear up for 10 minutes just to probably lose a fight against someone who had no good loot before the deathmatch started? That really does not make sense in my opinion as it is everything but not fair. Players would prolong games on purpose, which is already a big problem sometimes, in order to have better loot in the Deathmatch. It should not be a tactical move to prolong a game just for a fight as this at the end.

Capture the Flag has a better system for draws in my opinion. Give everyone that is alive some experience for a draw but do not make an unnecessary end phase were the game ‘forces’ one team to win.


I see your concerns and they are viable. Prolonging the game is definitely an issue and a lot of players already do it. This would enable that behavior and become a serious issue. There does need to be some sort of tie breaker however. Waiting 10 minutes for someone to just run the whole time and end in a tie is not the answer. I’ve grinded Skywars for nearly 2 years now and having someone get hit once and run the rest of the game is aggravating. I do see your point and I do agree, but there needs to be some something other than a tie.