The upgrader skywars kit

New skywars kit: the upgrader ( sorry bad name u can think of a better one )

So this kit makes it so every time you you get a kill with a sword it adds one level of sharpness to your sword.

This kit does not let you use any sword besides the stone one you start with. It also works with bows where it adds one level of power. The level of enchantment can exceed 5 if that is not too overpowered

I know you guys have a million different kit suggestions but I think mine is pretty good. Ok that’s all bye :taco:

This guys ideas are baller

that seems very op, even sharpness 2 is very strong

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Not on a stone sword

Farr too op


Bro forgot to switch accounts when complimenting their own post :skull:
Sorry that was rude, I think.

That’s too op, maybe 3 kills per upgrade or more?


Yeah… no. Interesting idea for sure, but (also not to be that guy and go into statistics) but a sharp 1 diamond is 10.25 attack damage whereas a stone sword with sharpness three already gives you more damage than that. I know Hive is strange with these numbers (such as the diamond armor being 20 hits with all weapons) but even so this goes to show that since not everybody will be getting diamond armor this simply is a terrible idea. This kit would especially appeal to sweats, scrimmers, and winstreakers because they can just get 4 kills in the first 5 minutes and then clean the rest of the lobby


Yeah I know all the stats. I guess it is a little op but sword you use could be a wooden one

lol that’s funny. I should make a new account to vote on all my posts

Ok what if you started with a stone sword instead and that is the only weapon you can upgrade it would be a difficult yet rewarding task since the low damage stone swords supply and also make it take affect after a minute so everyone else has a decent weapon by then

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I’d be a little more okay with that but overall I’d rather not

also Rarin umm… pretty sure that’s not allowed on forums since it would be artificially boosting posts or comments

:sweat_smile: please dont do that lol

Anyway i don’t think kits should have a disadvantage, just tons of beneficial powers to equal the other benefits of other kits. Not saying this is up at all, it just seems unbalanced.

I won’t I’m kidding. Sarcasm is dead