The sword of toxin(toxin sword)

Replace the sword of ember(ember sword)with the sword of toxin(toxin sword)

This sword would give the players the same amount of damage as the sword of ember but instead of making it so you cannot see you would get the poison affect from the sword.

This sword would be green, mined from emerald ore, and as mentioned do the same amount of damage as the ember sword.

But…… why would they change it if it was virtually identical?

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Change it to sword of poison (like potion effect) or even nausea sword wood be cool. Try to keep it mc related

I don’t think this should replace Sword Of Embers, it would be cool in a kit though.

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The fire from the sword of ember blocks your screen, giving people with low fire packs an unfair advantage of sorts. This would solve that problem while still doing the same amount of damage.


You… you did mention that.

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Not against this, but if it were to replace the ember sword it should still probably be obtained from emeralds


I mean it the name is annoying me lol