We want the limited edition Manor option to be unlimited (forever). Because it is the most good option in bedwars. I play bedwars because of this manor option it has soo many things that any other option does not have. Pls do manor to forever edition not limited pls pls Hive. You are my most favourite server I only play Hive. Pls pls pls Hive. And now the questions
Q-1) are the newly added potions will be forever or it is also limited? If it is also limited then add it for forever pls.
Q-2) are the newly added items like wind charge, shears and totems are also limited edition or forever if limited then add it forever pls.
Q-3) Are the new maps added in squads and solo and duos limited or forever if limited then add them forever pls.
And nothing else please do changes according. Pls Hive
First of all you can vote for your own posts lol
Second of all welcome to the forums!
While this is a fun idea, these are meant to be seasonal and are meant to leave eventually, which while it does suck as they are amazing, the Hive is pretty good at giving us new interesting and fun things to work with (like Skywars Classic)
For your first question, they will be removed in Season 3 as they are related to magic (at least I think they will be removed)
For your second question, I am 90% sure they will not remove Wind Charges or Shears (and I hope they don’t remove them) but I don’t entirely know about the totems. I hope they will stay, but only time will tell.
For your third question, I wish they are going to stay since the maps are actually very interesting and fun to play on. I have no idea if they will be removed, but I think ones like Enchantment are likely to as they are entirely wizard/magic themed.
This is a season 2 LTM and should stay that way. It will get boring fast, Its magic theamed, and its not that fun IMO
This does seem fun, but ltms get boring after a long amount of time. And it’s wizard themed, so it cannot stay. Sorry to say.
And also…
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Welcome to the forums!
Although I’m sure most people enjoy these features, and some enjoy the new LTM. But they go with the magic theme of season 2. When a new season and theme is released these features will be out of place. I’m sure whatever will replace them will be fun awell though
I’m not sure if the maps will stay or not, theres definetly a better chance at them staying than some of the other things you mentioned.
For the new items, I suspect that the shears will stay, as swords no longer break wool 50% faster. Windcharges might stay, but I’m not for sure on that. The totems will likely be removed next season as they go with the magic theme.
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