The Hive YouTube channel

sorry if this is a dupe, wasn’t able to find a topic similar to this

For those who don’t know, The Hive has a YouTube channel that can be found here. The channel has been dormant for the past 7-8 months. I’d like to suggest some ways to revive the channel as well as explain why it would be good for Hive Team as well as the players.

Some of you may be thinking… What about the Hive’s twitter account? What about the hive updates page? While yes the hive uses both these platforms I’d like to think that the YouTube channel would be a good platform to reach a new part of the Hive Community as well as produce content that you wouldn’t really find elsewhere regarding updates.

The Hive YouTube channel being more active would allow the hive to somewhat connect more with the community as well as inform players within the community whether it be by means of content updates or even sneak peaks of upcoming features/updates (such as sneak peaks of upcoming seasonal events)

  • The channel could be a platform for the hive to share more about the server such as some of the behind the scenes

-Tutorial/info videos regarding rank applications

Before I finish I’d like to say I don’t expect daily or weekly videos from the hive. I’d be happy if we got monthly content or something like that.

I want to hear your thoughts and opinions. Do you think it would be a good thing or be extra work for The Hive? Let me know!

Thanks for reading

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I don’t think the Hive’s YouTube channel is meant to be a place for announcing updates and teasing features, it’s meant to show their content on the marketplace and showcase large, server or brand-changing announcements. It’s more of a professional place to share brand content.


Which is why I suggested this to somewhat change what the hives youtube channel is about. They would still keep their current content but I think it would be a nice change of pace to what we have atm c:


I believe they can utilize the youtube channel is many ways that would be end up being beneficial to the community as a whole. Whether it is explaining updates or showing us features, i believe this would help a lot of people understand what is happening in the server.

Also make sure to vote for your suggestion.


I think this could be good for possibly bringing Java players over, because the channel is kinda for both, if not mainly Java. If you look at the trailer video, it talks about some of the Java games, which I why I said that.

I think this could work in a number of ways, increasing player count, providing more info on updates and teasers. Whilst I respect what ThanPixel has said, I somewhat disagree, as the updates page aren’t very well known. I think The Hive could connect with more players regarding these features, because at the moment, it seems like players who just wann play, and don’t involve themselves in the community (Which is fine, don’t think im having a go at them) sort of rely on gossip spread from community members and the occasional staff in the lobby.


Like you said, it’s for marketing. Being invested with your community and showing updates is a good way of marketing. (At least I think it is) You kind of just voided your main argument.


That’s why that this suggestion to change it was made dude.

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I support the post o_O


That’s what I thought.

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I remember suggesting a how to grow the hive, good to see something along those lines is doing well! You have my vote

all I could think of is how if the Hive ever hosts official community events they could shout out the winners there/use it to help them decide on the winners if it’s like a public vote sort of thing

I don’t think they ever would use the YouTube channel like that, but I’ve voted for the suggestion :)


Just wanted to add…

This video is exactly what I would expect from an update video


I agree with that, it would be nice to see a change in the Hive youtube channel since it hasn’t uploaded in a while. I feel like the hive staff should use the youtube channel since a majority of the community isn’t aware of the Hive accounts on other social media platforms.

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I wanted to make this mega bump not only because I would like to see some more opinions on this as there are a bunch of new people on the forums since this posts creation but also for people to add and suggest changes as well.

I still think it would be a great idea for the Hive to fully engage with its players on all social platforms.

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Hmm sounds really good, I think they could do some of of the cinematic videos like they did for the skywars bundle, or maybe even 1 min videos about new costumes or pets!

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