The Hive Official texture pack

When they add the texture pack the bread throwables:

should be part of it.



Maybe they can also have some blocks like torches animated or something.

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sits to play Minecraft

logs onto hive


PC explodes into fiery ball of flame

So maybe not animated textures, cool idea in theory butā€¦


This would be so good!
I love pvp texture packs like blueberryfault and 1cce pack mix so Iā€™d definitely buy it!


How am I seeing this topic just now ofc voted.

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I really like pada 50k, pada 3k, purpled 16x(a port I believe) and ye some others. Cool idea but maybe they would have to ask you if you want it on or not.

Maybe have these textures for the armor, sword, and ender pearl

isnt that gemfault(i couldbe wrong)

Yes, that is gemfault

itā€™s not really hive style, but then again how do you make a hive style sword?

I would defiantly buy that

Thereā€™s always a way to make something hive style, but some things are harder than others


ik, but how are you so good at it?

Oh I hate Gemfault SO MUCH

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The secret is, I just look at what hive make and try and recreate it in another context lol

Or at least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing as of late


why is the fox holding a command block :skull:

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umm guys i think i found it; it is unofficial
i did not make this pack i just found it


w-w-w-wait a minute. I remember a Hive style like sword! Itā€™s from the texture pack Simply Cubed! or maybe I think that way because Mj owns u used itā€¦

Iā€™m familiar with that :)

lol ur in the credits :rofl::rofl::rofl: