đź’€ The Downfall of Manor

They fixed it :slight_smile: Glad to see my Idea in the works…

So like a diamond gen at base?
This can be solved pretty easy if one person gets deepslate as soon as it opens which is good, ir maybe if Hive let the player go closer to the diamond gen before it starts so within those 20s they can get deepslate come back and be safe

Also manor was kinda scuffed to begin with but that makes it funny

@Dartheagle99 well it is possible to get deepslate off spawn (side rush right) to go to diamond gen


I never have less than 4 teamates. And the players count is in the low 2000s! There’s no problem with that!

But yeah, 2 is right, as it is easy to rush through mid as there is no need to “bridge to mid”. I agree with all but #3

I just made that idea as a suggestion i literally do that when i play lol

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With a good strat you can combat this. Balancing needs to happen still tho

I actually like the fact that Manor is so fast paced. As it doesn’t take long, you can keep grinding it and quickly level up.

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Y’all, Manor is meant to be fast paced. If you don’t like it then don’t play it.

I do feel like the gates open way to quick so I think another 35 seconds could be added to the starting time, which allows your team to build out a full (ish) defense and gear up. I have found that if you stay between mid and your base you can stop most players from getting your bed.

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