I want to make a suggestion and that is that i want to see the date when i first joined the hive because the only thing what i see on my profile is the games i played how much i played etc but not really the date when i joined the hive for the first time So may i ask that maybe that a command would be useful to see the date when i joined the hive
You can actually already tell when you first joined the Hive. The info is available on the Hive’s API, which can be tracked on a few different websites and discord bots, as seen below:
You first joined the hive on the 21st of July, 2019 :)
You then need to click the ‘try out button’
Then in the drop box select main, and for the player identifier put your IGN
Scroll down until you find the ‘first played’ stat (it should be near the top).
The date will be given as a Unix Timestamp, which you will need to convert to a readable format (I usually use this website: https://www.unixtimestamp.com)
I don’t think your understanding (im sorry im not trying to be rude) what i’m saying is it would be cool to have it on your profile so you could see it there instead of having to go through a bunch of other websites. I know there are other ways you can see it, i just would like to see it on my profile for convenience
(also thank you for the tutorial that does help a lot :])