The Broomstick Mount’s Hitbox


I purchased the Broomstick mount a few days ago and have been playing around with it. I’ve noticed a problem the Hive should really fix: The hitbox is WAY too big.

You would think, because it’s a broomstick, that you would easily be able to fit in 1-block gaps, but that is not the case. The hitbox is like 5 blocks wide and not as maneuverable as it should be.

See? Even the shadow is absolutely huge.

I know the Hive gets lots of comments like this, but mounts are really expensive, and should be held to high standards. It really frustrates me to fly next to a wall and hit it even though I’m not close to it at all. This mount’s 3D model is small, and the hitbox should be too. I realize it’s practically impossible to adjust the hitbox in this way, because hitboxes do not turn, but maybe make it a little smaller? :slight_smile: :blobheart:

Thank you <3


I don’t have the broom mount but I will vote if this is bothering you :slight_smile:


A bump because I really want hive to see this :upside_down_face:

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I disagree, as it might have the same hitbox as the other mounts.

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All mounts have different sizes, there is no need for the broomstick mount to have a hitbox of more than 2 blocks to be fair. I think changing it to 1 block would be a great unique feature for the broomstick. :slight_smile:


I agree it should change but my guess is that they copy and pasted the hitbox for every mount correct me if I’m wrong


Another bump :crazy_face: I’m excited to get the witch hat, but hitbox seriously needs fixing still. I can’t let it go

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I do realize the mounts so far have had square hit boxes, which makes sense, bot not for the broomstick. We need more votes


While this is annoying I dont see it as a massive issue that hive devs need to drop everything for and fix. I’ve voted for it bc I hope to see this change implimented in the future, however.


Mounts are expensive, and the Hive’s work has always been polished to a T. Sure they don’t have to drop everything to fix it, but this is a lot of real life money for something that doesn’t work as intended.


This is a VERY good point, when someone pays 10 irl dollars for an in-game item or cosmetic, they usually expect that their purchase is as polished as possible, as opposed to how free things are kinda allowed to be worse because the bar is lower for them. The fact that the mount costs money means it should be as well-done as possible.


Mounts do not have circular hitboxes. Circular hitboxes aren’t possible without modding. (At least I don’t think) Those are just the shadows of it. If you use a hitbox mod/texture pack, you can see that it’s square.
Here is what it looks like: (I use OnixClient)


Very interesting. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for pointing that out to me. So they could definitely fix the hit box if they wanted to


no prob! :smile:


I mean if you’re gonna charge a ridiculous price then make it perfect ig


Wow, that is quite large. I agree with a smaller hitbox and think a 1-2 block hitbox would be enough :slight_smile:


Hello again. I’ve been called a silly goose for bumping this topic, however it’s still a problem. I’m going to add some more things to the original post:

Like it’s been said before, mounts are expensive, and I consider this a bug. It’s REALLY annoying, because I love using the broomstick. It’s way way too big of a hitbox.


I think the hitbox is this big because if someone else wants to get on your mount, they have to click on the hitbox and if the hitbox was the right size, it would be harder to get on the mount (especially for mobile players) :beedance:

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You don’t have to keep bumping or adding stuff to your suggestion constantly it might or will get recognized by staff soon, just be patient.

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i agree i think the broomstick needs a smaller hitbox :smile: