The Bridge translation improvement

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
The Bridge (When choosing a special item)

Affected Text:
Besonderes Item wählen
Du kannst in jedem Spiel ein besonderes Item wählen, das du jede Runde erhältst. Wähle ein besonderes Item aus den folgenden aus.

Suggested Text:
Spezial-Item wählen
Du kannst in jedem Spiel ein Spezial-Item wählen, das du jede Runde erhältst. Wähle eins aus den folgenden Spezial-Items aus.

Explanation of Issue:
Since it is called “special item” in english, a better translation for it would be “Spezial-Item”. It also sounds better than “Besonderes Item”.
I also suggested a little change in the last sentence because in the affected text it sounds a bit odd.

Screenshots and/or video:

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Thanks for submitting a suggested improvement for our translations!

After discussions with our translators, we have decided to keep the current text as it is, as it was determined that it is already an accurate translation of the English source string.