The Bridge | Map changes

Map Changes

After playing the birdge for the past 2 hours, I have noticed that every game is the same - Your enemie rushes to your base as fast as they can, they do not even fight you, they just run. If you try to hit them off, they use the leap and you may wanna defend but the map is impossible to defend, if your enemie is at the max hight of blocks, all he has to do is jump down while you have to make your way up the stairs AND the blocks.

My tip: Please change the map, make the hole thing flat OR add structures/roofs to it so its more possible to defend, this may be too much or not in range of possibilities as the gamemode is new, at least let us choose between maps so we can atleast have some fun with different maps as me as a birdge main on java loves the gamemode and I would love to see it being fun on the Hive too.

Thanks for taking your time to read this, if you agree consider voting.

Good idea bro


yeah i agree but you’re basically asking them to add more maps, which they’re going to do anyways

They are going to add new maps I didn’t know that is pog

I don’t believe a staff member confirmed that

why wouldn’t they add more maps though.

rn they’re just tweaking the mode, changing things, but after that players will be wanting more maps.
it’s a main modecan’t just have one map forever.

I will agree that maps will give more protection to your base. Plus this will ensure players won’t just tower up and run through the hole itself.


Yea they should also make the bridge maps more detailed.

Well yeah they probably will but you made it sound like they confirmed it, even confusing @Pro_Gamer77946

Bump at least there gonna add this