"The Arcade" Game Idea: Hitmen

Nice idea voted, i would love to see this

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okay, if hive doesn’t add this into the game, i’m quitting hive

ok, I’m joking, but seriously this game could be super fun!

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Yes this should be very fun if this gets added because there are quite a bit of votes so it might but idk.

I love this idea!

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I have a suggestion

How about every kill you get a upgrade to something.Not very clear if we have to search for loot or spawn in with loot.

i think you spawn with it

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Im going to bump this, I think this has good chances of being added, what do you think?

Do you think this game will be added to The Arcade?
  • Yes, at the launch of the arcade
  • Yes, a later update to the arcade after it releases
  • Probably not

0 voters


Bump, for more people to see

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I actually think this would be cool as a survival games mode, it could be interesting with hunger, middle, cache cows and supply crates.

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This would also be good if its the same game just with teams maybe…

:open_mouth: This sounds so fun an exhilarating! We need something like this, you definitely have gotten my vote ;D

Honestly just sounds like an awesome gamemode

no, its a roblox game. but it would be amazing to have as a minecraft game

Alr you earned my vote

I’m reviving this, I kinda forgot about this ngl.

But this game would be a lot of fun.


This is a very simple game, and seems like it would be a lot of fun. Voted!

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this seems like a simple and fun game, voted!