So credit to @goldensunnyd for telling me to go one the forums to suggest this and for being the best helper ever. In parkour worlds, you can only use a mount and have your pet friend follow you around in the main hub area. What should be added is the ability to have the spawn egg and locker items in your inventory when you are not currently in a parkour course. When you enter a course, the items disappear, and your pet despawns (only to be respawned on completion or when you exit the course). Obviously a mount would disturb people if you flew it into the way of their next jump, so your mount would despawn, like it does in the hub when flying to close to a game. Where you would end up after the despawn, i don’t know. But I think people can think about the issue much better than me who overthinks everything. This would be a good quality of life change, and many people would like it so they can use THEIR mount (which they paid for) to have fun and explore the hubs the hive build team worked on. This wouldn’t make much of a difference on escaping the map, as you can escape every world Thank you for reading my topic on why hive should let us spawn vehicles in their latest update. Tune in on the GeorgieHawk108 says random stuff show next week for more random stuff and more things the hive will never implement.
I like this but it’s just that some people will always find exploits to skip parkour and stuff but still a good idea!
@GeorgieHawk108 No bro it will be cheating and it will be no players (above 800) and give will remove the game or remove the feature if added (what about people like me with no minecoins and no mounts )
People would try to find a way to skip the courses, but to enter a course you can’t be riding in a mount. My idea for this is that it will despawn your mount and launch you back.
Ok NOW I’m voting.
I think this would be a good feature to use pets, but not so much to use mounts. Unless you were only able to use mounts outside of the actual parkour, then it would just be too op. I’ll vote for the pets tho.
The mounts would only work outside of the courses so that it would not be unfair or interfere with the people parkouring (like blocking their view). Pets could have a visibility toggle in settings but I don’t think we need pets while parkouring.
Chair mount ( bump )
Oh no. Now smiley is jezen….
jezen??? wdym?
Ahhhh you just changed it!
Ok now I voted brilliant idea but I don’t have any mounts (I’ll get the chair but in the next April )
I think they should just be able to use pets and no mounts. People could get out of bounds with the mounts or cheat parkours as most people have already said. Good idea nonetheless.