The ability to reject a hive + gift

Thats a coincidence :confused:

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I think its a great idea if you donā€™t want the gift by force.

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Vote drop, bumping this thing up, we need it.

You should be able to gift it away! Also when you do that you get an option to destroy all the extra xp you got with it

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50 VOTES! Niceee! I hope we can get to 75! Lets gooo!

rip just rip man thats so sad

We gotta get hive to see this

Itā€™s been 2 years since this. How are you doing with that? Just out of curiosityā€¦

I got gifted ages ago and stopped trying, iā€™ve maxed like half the games


This is probably a bit belated, but Iā€™d assume the reason that they canā€™t affect that is because Iā€™d assume the money from purchases of gifts or ranks goes to Mojang first, which is then divided up between themselves and the servers, and therefore hive would have to go to Mojang or Microsoft because theres probably some kind of consumer protection laws surrounding those sorts of digital purchases being removed (though Ubisoft would beg to differ)

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Okay so zRvsey is a hive helper first off, but also even though it would be possible, as has been shown when helpers are demoted to usual players after they quit/are removed from position (donā€™t wanna say fired).

they probably arenā€™t going to make an exception for one player which I really wish they would be more dedicated to the individual rather than the general population but sadly it just isnā€™t like that.

EDIT: Just thought maybe it would be possible to mess with your own account and remove it personally? is that possible?

listen that was an old post from before I had discord ok lol

not unless hive has really crappy security; that data is most likely stored on Hives servers rather than each player

Yeah but at the same time it may be possible without any illegal activity provided that itā€™s bound to the Microsoft account, which WOULD be an odd way of doing it but possible.

Sorry for bumping the old post and lets get back on topic.