There are a lot of players who are grinding Bedwars as fast as they can, and that makes it pretty impossible for more casual players like me. So I suggest to TEMPORARILY separate the sweatier grinders by putting players above level 50 in separate lobbies as players below 50. I get that sweats won’t like this, but to be honest womp womp. It’s so hard to get a good game right now, so maybe once a certain amount of players have reached level 75 it can be changed back. And yes, I’m aware that wait times will be a bit slower in the 50+ lobbies, but sweat games are so quick that I don’t think it’ll matter much.
dude I had to write this on my phone bc my dad is doing stuff with the wall by my pc so I can’t have my chair there until he finishes it
As a level 50 you guys had TEN MONTHS. Plus, I only see like 1 level 50 per game other than me so that means it will take like 10 minutes to queue in a game so absolutely not. Also not all of us are sweats, I personally just play a lot and like to have fun even if I’m level 52.
Honestly my best suggestion is to just get better like the rest of us have. Plus just because you’re lvl50+, it really doesn’t mean you’re good. I’ve q’ed several higher levels and analyzed lots of players stats, and it’s safe to assume that just because you have a high level, it doesn’t mean you’re good.
Better thought: understand the strategy and buy dories and fireballs it’s okay to abandon your bed and trade woth the sweats otherwise you dont have much of a chance. Idc if someone dories me it means they thought about strategy
I personally don’t agree with this as all the players who have dedicated to get level 50 are mostly keyboard and mouse so I think an argument could be made for device specific lobbies if hive doesn’t already have one? Other than that, I think putting a level 50 mobile player who knows what they’re doing against a keyboard and mouse player who is level 48 or even 49 is totally unfair.