T wars glitch inventory slot

yeah, the (gold) items are invisible but for some reason still generate and fill up your hotbar. Your hotbar looks empty but it has something in it, so when you buy something it goes to the second slot


i think @skepetrock might be having a different issue

jumping in the void does fix it though

Oh huh idk
I was in t wars and I couldn’t use my first slot I had fell into void didn’t work for me not sure

I have and as well as you can not put any item in you inventory slot you can’t hit as well.

Whenever you set the summoner amount to 0, it sometimes does this.


yea ik that when i play with my friend my slot glitched sometimes if i set the generator to 0

yes this happened to me before in a cs with my friend
but after a while it’s fixed after I die or something.

I have had this many times during a free shop because people usually turn off gens for that.

I have this when trying to swap out armour sometimes, this happens in skywars as well. Also, the fire charge seems to be affected by this all of the time.

Ye I just used another

I will say tho, in a survival world I couldnt take off my armour (no curses) but when i relogged it was fine.
What Im saying is that this may be a mojang problem.

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was it boots? if so, did it have Soul Speed?

there’s a bug rn where if you use soul speed boots on soul sand/soul soil it forces them on and the only way to take off is relog or use another pair of boots to put them on.

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yes i believe they were soul speed boots

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Well there ya go.

also that was off topic to this bug

I have something where I can’t click y on controller to quickly move items in my inventory and have to pick the items up and move them.

hardly off topic lmao
just saying it may not be hives fault

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heres a video

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This is the inventory slot bug. To fix this you either die or just switch inventory.
Also, this happens in tw cs only when you can break blocks with left click, but your hits aren’t registered to a player or entity

This appears to be a result of setting the team summoner amount to 0, this issue has been logged below: