3 new hub titles: “Only One” “Flare Finder” “Not Washed”
3 new avatars: iron and diamond sword crossed, bread and a apple next to each other and a stone axe in the background, washing machine with a leather chest plate in it.
3 new pedestals: supply crate, sword in the stone (you would stand on the hilt), washing machine (cause why not).
3 new gravestones: backpack, box, laundry detergent.
4 new kill phrases: “Munched On” “OOFED” “Starved” “Wash and dried”.
4 new arrow trails: bread crumbs, daggers, mini explosion particles, bubbles.
3 xp boosters
SG is one of the more unpopular game modes so a bundle for it could bring it some attention.
Idk about pricing maybe like 820 minecoins
I’m glad you made this topic and not me….
Could you make some models?
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sg would have to gain way more traction for this to be reasonable, but maybe this could happen if the modelers didnt have any ongoing projects (which I doubt).
dont get me wrong, I like the idea of this, but I just cant see it happening anytime in the near future
I’m not that good of a artist so I’m leaving models up to you guys
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I need that first avatar “are you tiny or is everything else just really, really big?”
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It would gain traction from these new things!!
Updated the contents of the bundle
i’m sensing a theme.
do you like clean laundry?
also great idea voted, there could also be new gravestones
Nah I don’t like clean laundry but I though it was funny