Survival Games Apple Glitch

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Game Name: Survival Games. Map: Vista
Regions: Asia, North America and Europe

What is the bug?
In survival games, when your hunger bar is already full you are still able to eat apples which shouldn’t happen normally, you can’t eat other food stuff but you can eat apples if the hunger bar is full.

Device(s) & Version
What platform do you play on (Win10, Xbox, Switch, iOS, Android or PS4) and what version of Minecraft are you using?
Device: Windows 10
Version: 1.20.62

Screenshots and/or video:
I’ve attached a youtube video link, through there you can view

Hey there, thanks for submitting a bug report.

This is a Minecraft bug. You can track Mojang’s progress on this issue by clicking the link below:

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