Sumo Game for the Hive!

Because you use it all the time right?

my man
he plays on xbox

get good, that’s all
or just continue being a noob and hackusating people

  1. I don’t leaderboard
  2. I play on Xbox
  3. just get good ok

I was about to criticize someone else… but now that I think about it I have other plans
If a person is on mobile, they literally can tap on me if I’m anywhere on the screen, so while I’m strafing I still get combo’d off the map. Probably the main issue I’d have.


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Thank you for the suggestion,

This is my opinion on it.
20x20 square would be really annoying, probably Pe android players will not play it.
Hive is not a practice server, what you are suggesting is for a practice server, don’t get me wrong but a sumo FFA wouldn’t really be liked on Hive in my opinion because Hive is more of minigames/gamemodes (like skywars/ parkour/buiding etc.)

This is all, have a nice day :slight_smile:


Yes I can abuse my 50 ping and butterfly click by head off

In tw
Bruh 20 chars

A lot of players do this in Treasure Wars games already (when in a party of 8) and with the introduction of Swarms private matches in the coming months you’d be able to do this in a much smaller party.


Mhm you’re right Dan

This would be the best part of the hive, please add bc i would play it alot. I am on xbox so i cant play zeqa

Maybe give iron boots so they wouldn’t take damage?

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You can make a platform in tw or use the airport on the sg map “SG4”.

What? I’m confused.

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since its SUMO it could have slowness and maybe a wacky stick/knockback nemo

Could work, only is matchmaking sorted people in Xbox or PC so no one on Xbox would play against someone on PC.

Real I play Xbox and PVP with PC player’s is not pretty. Because I always die.:smiling_face_with_tear:

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Nope games like sumo should be those games like nemo slap was on the hub

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Ok 20x20 is way to much it should be a 5x5 or even 4x4 because people can just stall by running

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