Suggestion for queuing games easily

So this is a suggestion from me for queuing games:
Where there are NPC’s which we tap and go to play there should also be a floating text which will say “Type /q Sky to queue” it will make easier to queue for new players and we will also get to know which word to use after /q .

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Hey there!

This is not in the right category. In order for others to vote for your suggestion, it needs to be categorized in #suggestions

I believe if you click on the pencil icon, you can edit the topic category there :slight_smile:

Thanks for making a suggestion, regardless!


Sorry my mistake I have changed it :+1:

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Okay, so a floating text above an npc saying something like /q SKY ?

Mmm, sure! That would help them, but I don’t think four lines of text is that necessary in my opinion because some games like Skywars and Treasure Wars have that.

Hey there!

Players can find all the queue command inputs on the Hives Support Page, here :smile:

They meant to add an NPC ingame which displays all /q commands, not a command like /queue or sorts

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The user is suggesting for floating text to display the queue command as far as I can see :slightly_smiling_face:

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floating text
They want an NPC

yes this is what I was suggesting

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not everyone knows where the hive support page is


I mean, there is /q help, and a menu pops up if you just type /q, so I don’t really see the point of this

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