Suggestion - Deathrun Chance Meter

Deathrun Chance Meter

Hey everyone! My idea is simple but compliments itself as a small detail that would be more than handy for the average player!


A small widget displayed on the top corner of your screen pre-game showing the chance (in %) of you being picked as a death. This is very similar those that display your chance to become murderer or sheriff in murder mystery, just as a singular one with an icon of a mini emoji of a death.

On top of this, an increase in chance in small increments on a per-game basis, just like that in murder mystery.

Reasons for addition:

It’s easy, simple and coincides very nicely on the design of the Hive’s HUD. Of course, it also shows people something that maybe ponders in their heads at times. The feature is more of a clean-up for detail, but also provides a practical side it.


Thanks for reading and I hope the idea comes across well!



Edit: Ready to close as found out deathrun’s chances are random and fixed :confused:

Hello, welcome to the forums!
I like this idea, but isn’t it a random chance to become a death. I might be wrong, but if that’s the case, I would like to see it changed and have this implemented.
Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:

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If that’s so than an implimentation of a slow increase in chance would be cool! Thanks for the reply!