Stop removing Skywars modes and just keep the already existing ones and add to it
Skywars is an Amazing game but you keep removing the games that make it refreshing compared to the other games. Like today you removed sky classic my favorite of them and replaced it is maga the most overrated version. It’s just a bunch of people that make it so the people who are good are fighting 7 people at once. And kit was Skywars but less sweaty
Have they removed SW Classic yet?
Well, I learned that SkyWars Classic was only played by about 100-200 people, and most of them were sweats. If SW kits come back, people better rate it, or it will be removed again.
Kits was removed to make room for the Classic LTM.
this means that it was limited time. and also, why don’t you like vaulting games? It makes room for other Skywars games.
Besides, hive cares about player counts. If there aren’t high player counts on a game then they will vault it.