Stop Close Range Bow Spam In Capture The Flag

•-• Whaaaaa not my fault most the comm isn’t ready to deal with my harnessed power of Bidoof

What I am hearing is that bow spammers are repetitive and annoying

I understand it’s annoying to constantly be hit with a bow, but the simple counter is to just fight back by strafing, using blocks, bowing back, using your sword or tnt, etc.

As for the repetitive part, I completely agree. That being said, I would argue it’s just as repetitive as comboing someone with a sword. Bow fighting doesn’t need to be fun to add a new way to fight or make the game more dynamic

Again, no one here has denied that there are counters to bowspam. The point isn’t that bow spammers are hard to counter. The point is that they make the game less fun.

Here’s the thing: Comboing someone with a sword while can be repetitive on its own, is actually really satisfying to pull off, and it takes skill to be able to do it. You actually need to apply rythm to your movement and hits to do it well. Whereas with spamming arrows, you’re quite literally just sitting there shooting arrows at quick succession.

And what I got from your last point is that by nerfing close range bowspam, we’re making the game less dynamic. I’d personally agrue if we lessened the amount of bow spammers, fights would be a lot more interesting since spamming someone with arrows wouldn’t be the only way people fight in this game. Also, if fights do get repetitive, the best way to fix that is to add more interesting mechanics that can help you win in fights that aren’t completely overpowered.

Also, don’t we play games to have fun? I’m sorry, but I don’t see how your last point about bow spamming not needing to be fun makes any sense.

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•-• If we nerfed bows in such a way it will make it 100% a swarm game, Tnt cost too much to deal with swarms early game and You aren’t winning 99% of the 2+ people swarming you. It’s already hard enough with bows but it’s more do-able

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Honestly, I think it’s an advantage for people who know how to use it. It also takes skill to get close to the shooters, so I think it’s even. Plus, they will run out of arrows sometime.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t CTF supposed to be a team game? Swarming up on someone trying to get your flag is part of the game. In my opinion, there shouldn’t be a way as cheesy as bow spamming to deal with it. And as I said before, besides using tnt, you can simply stick with your teammates if you’re taking on multiple people. Going in alone is a bad idea to begin with, especially if you aren’t prepared enough. Communication is key.

The problem is, again, its too strong of an advantage due to the weaker armor in this game and the amount of damage arrows can deal. Things like health on kill and tnt are enough to make dealing with multiple people at once do-able imo. You just need to better prepare instead of mindlessly rushing in.


I’m just wondering about the “Communication is key” part of this. NOBODY uses chat during capture the flag. Nobody. So how can we “communicate”?

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True, but I was thinking if you were in some kind of party while playing, because solo queueing in this version of CTF is a bad idea.

100 gold is a stack of arrows :skull:

as said by lightknight u shouldn’t be taking a group with the flag and expect to win consistantly bc ur able to cheese them all with a bow, thats not good game design. Instead, just run or stick with ur team.


I think that they should reduce the damage of short range shots, but still make them take damage like if they were hit by a snowball, because the bow and arrow is a GREAT way to start a womb o combo and throw your opponent like an Olive Garden salad HOLD THE CHEESE PLEASE. (Yum :yum:)

snowballs dont do any actual damage and if youre one of the people who cant combo cough cough me and everyone else who gets put on my team and your opponent can cough cough every person ive played against then youre kinda screwed. so we’re just gonna ignore combos

With the games that already have the close range arrow nerf, they still do knockback and a little bit of damage as long as they are charged long enough. This suggestion is simply asking for that kind of implementation in CTF.

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Its easier to bow spam quickly than place blocks quick enough it’s kind of unbalanced


Hi! Back again. Still, I think you can use your surroundings wisely. Doing parkour around them, or placing blocks in front of you is a good way to stop spam.

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womp womp get batter i beat whitepvps on controller

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I don’t like it bc then I can’t use projectiles to start combos

Yes you can. You’ll just need to charge them up more and time when you shoot better. They’ll still deal knockback if they are charged up, they just won’t deal as much damage.

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No even when I charge it up it sometimes doesn’t work

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Works fine for me. I think it may be a you problem.


Yeah, it glitches for me in close range bow fights too.

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