Stellars kits update

So because I love making ideas, I decided to make a skywars kits update instead of MM.
So here are the new features!

Unnerfed kits

Knockback kit:
X10 self knockback boom boxes
X1 knockback nemo
X1 set of regular tools
X1 iron chest plate with knockback resistance
Ability: gain one boombox for everyone you kill (limit of 3)
Soldier kit:
X1 regular tools set
X1 set of leather armor
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger:
Every kill you get your armor and weapon upgrade.
The tiers go like this:
0 kills: leather armor, stone sword
1 kill: chain mail armor, iron sword
2 kills: iron armor, diamond sword
3 kills: diamond armor, sharpness 1 diamond sword.
After 3 kills it stops.

Bee kit(I created a topic for this so I can go in depth) here’s the link: Bee kit
Knockback kit: IDK if this is a dupe btw
X3 self knockback boom boxes
X1 one hit knockback nemo
X1 set of regular tools
X1 iron chest plate with knockback resistance
Gain 1 knockback boombox for every person you kill
Soldier kit:
X1 regular tools set
X1 set of leather armor or chain
Ability: every kill, your armor (no matter what kind). gets one plus fire protection level (stops at fire prot 3).
The final one for now is the dragon kit.
X3 fireballs
X1 fire trail spell
X1 iron chest plate with fire or blast protection
1 fireball extra per kill.


Helped balance the kits

more kits already are happening. Also all these kits seem really OP.

Breakdown of the topic

10 KB boomboxes is way too good. You can easily escape 10 fights with it.

A free KB nemo as soon as you start is crazy. It’s probably the most OP item in SW.

1 boombox is even crazier on top of 10 KB boomboxes already, and on top of THAT, killing someone with nemo is very easy, AND ON TOP OF THAT, there’s no limit?

Okay… this wouldn’t be too bad…

… oki nvm. For anyone who’s sweaty or just really good, 3 kills is a piece of cake for them. Anyone could easily get 3 kills within the first minute of the game. Another too OP kit.

Alright, this one is a good one. But do you mean fire charges, or fireballs? Because fireballs aren’t a thing yet, they are just placeable fire charges. The rest of the kit is great.

So, overall, the cons outweigh the pros, but that last kit was cool, so I will vote!

Have a great day! :smile:


Will you help me nerf the kits please? Also thanks for voting


but it says to put your kit ideas in the forums?

Nice ideas but you should improve the order of the text.

Text Tips

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Use _[text]_ or *[text]* to make it italic.

Use ***[text]*** or **_[text]_** to make it both italic and bigger.

to distance text, so use more space but in more order.

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  • things
  • like
  • this.

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use it more times and you’ll make a

Blockquote in a Blockquote

Use *** to make lines to divide the text like this :point_down:

[details="(title here)"]
(your text here without round brackets)
[/details] to hide a text. This is complicated but you can find it simplified by clicking the :gear:, then “Hide Details” while editing a text.

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Use <small> at the beginning of a text and </small> at the end of a text to make it reallly small. Use it more times to make it even smaller.

You don’t need to use this but if you’ll never need it, fine. Voted anyway!


Yeah, sure!
Sorry I took so long

10x kb boomboxes - 3x kb boomboxes
1x kb nemo - 1x one hit kb nemo
Ability - gain one boombox for everyone you kill (limit of 3)

1x set of leather armor - 1x set of chainmail armor
ability - every kill, your armor (no matter what kind). gets one plus fire protection level (stops at fire prot 3).

No changes for this one because it’s good on its own

hello mr how are you? I’m doing WELL


Ok I’ll add the nerfs and give you credit. So btw when I have new ideas I’ll post them on the comments and you can “review them”