Star shop bug

**Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
What was affected - please include the region, and the name of the map if applicable
Region- NA

Map- parkour worlds main hub I guess…

What is the bug?
A detailed description/explanation of the bug

So basically,in parkour worlds, it says I have 400/400 stars but in the merchant, it says 5 stars and will not let me buy anything.

Device(s) & Version
What platform do you play on (Win10, Xbox, Switch, iOS, Android or PS4) and what version of Minecraft are you using?

Amazon fire kindle (device)

1.21.30 (version)

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshots or videos of the bug, if it applies

It will for some reason not let me upload a screenshot :confused:

Could you tell me how? I don’t see a option for it.

Thanks for submitting a bug report!

The value displayed in the corner of the screen when in the Parkour Worlds microhub represents the total number of star coins that you have collected.

From what I can see, you have spent 395 star coins at the Star Merchant, so you having 5 left is correct.

It will be possible to redeem more star coins in the future, so don’t worry about not being able to unlock everything in the store yet!