Splodger Costume

Make splodger costume

This costume will be like the skin below, but in costume form! :splodger:

This costume is unlocked through maxing three games, at minimum.

Disclaimer: In comments, do not @ splodg3r, unless it is very necessary.

Well @splodger wouldnt do anything cus its 3 not e


I don’t think that’s possible. :sweat_smile:

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How about as a loginstreak 450 day reward.


I feel like this has already been discussed…
If this happened, it would make it unfair for other staff members as you are basically favouriting splodger


what happens if you max three games, and then the level cap for one gets increased?


Also people could impersonate mods through this… I mean that wouldn’t be good


I don’t think Splodger even has a skin like that :open_mouth:. Well, seriously, I think the otter is right. Someone can abuse that skin to a certain degree. There are kids playing on the server and they are soooo gullible.

It is a very good skin. If you designed it, you are good at your job. Maybe you could add a badge to indicate that it’s a prize skin, just to prevent what it says AJtheOtter.

I’m sorry but that’s stupid the max 3 games is a good idea but you have to get rid of a skin to get it is not especially for a skin that isn’t even interesting


Hes just the most well known

That is his skin, idk who designed it but Splodg3r wears it when he appears in game.

Now, I never said I disagree with this, we just need an indicator that it’s really Splodg3r.

is a pretty good idea. I was also thinking maybe it could just be slightly different than the actual Splodg3r’s skin. Like change one of the glasses lenses to another color. The blue lens could become purple or something on the skin. Just an idea.

Why not add costumes with all the skins of the hive team… like a system that every second month you can buy a hive team members skin in the quest shop and that additionaly to the normal quest costume. And we would start in November with the first costume Splodg3r

Well remember this:

yeah… that’s why ONE mod costume is kinda questionable.

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Like maybe some of the colours are a bit off and you have a little badge on the shirt


Yea, maybe its visibly a costume of someone DRESSED as Splodger instead of an actual replica of his skin.

Also clankstar

This will never happen with requirements like those bfr…

And this will most likely lead to impersonation.
On top of that there is the Time Owl costume which resembles splodger anyway so I dont think this is that necessary.

Time Owl isn’t supposed to resemble Splodger I believe. I think the point of that costume is to show old, outdated things (because time) hence the 3d glasses. Not to pretend to be Splodger.

Also, yeah you’re right about the requirements. @Rekrap25701 please make it so that you don’t have to sacrifice a costume, that doesn’t seem reasonable to me.

Uh yes it does ._.

No? Its just the costume for logging into the hive for 365 days straight, theres no meaning behind it other than that.

I get how you get time owl, I know that. I CAN see it being splodg3r a bit but that’s certainly not the main theme to the costume.

It’s an owl because they’re apparently old and wise (because time) and it has a clock on its chest because time I don’t know about the jean jacket but they’re not really in style anymore so it could be a reference to that? idk.

But lets get back on the topic please

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