Spider kit in Skywars Kits

  • Gives 2 web boombox, 2 poison boombox and 6 cobwebs
    at the start.
  • Slightly increases the chance of getting cobwebs in Gold ore.
  • There’s a 35% chance to get a cobweb when killing a player, and 15% to get poison or a web boombox. (Also you can only get a single item).

I think this is fine but there way too many cobwebs that you can get from this.

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Yep!1!1!1 bro hive forces me to type 10 characters

I would agree if it was at least 8 cobwebs

Cobwebs are OP if you know how to use them but I think this is too centered in cobwebs.

Maybe people with the kit could spawn with a spell of wall climbing or something more.

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You got my vote 6 cobwebs is pretty good instead of having 12 lol

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It used to be 20, so please be appreciative it’s only 10.

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