Spawn killing

Prevent spawn killing

Spawn killing should be prevented like maybe border the spawn but once you leave the spawn you can’t go back into it, can’t be like a safe place where you can just keep running into. the flags shouldn’t be able to go in there.

Because for example of what happened to me almost every time I play

I have one other teammate, there’s only two of us, and on the other side they had five people they kept spawn killing us, even when they had the flag. they never took the flag to their thing, they just kept killing and killing us and we couldn’t do anything about it but leave.

that’s not fair for the people who want to have a good time. it makes the hive, capture the flag disinteresting, and that makes me very sad because I love the hive, capture the flag

in that case just leave immediately. theres nothing you can do to make that a fair fight

this is reportable. input /recentreplays, choose the game, and report everyone who was committing the offense for prolonging game. I believe there already is a system to prevent spawnkilling a bit, where if youre killed before leaving the spawn blocks the killer doesnt get coins (and I think neither do they get xp) and the killed person temporarily gets strength.
many ways to fully prevent spawnkilling have been suggested, but I think this is the only good strategy Ive seen so far. voted


Then just leave immediately, also spawnkilling can be reported
Also now once you respawn you had a few seconds of invincibility, you can try to get away using such seconds. (If you can’t just leave the game, at least you won’t provide more kills for your enemy


but I like spawn killing

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But that’s your opinion. Also Welcome to the Forums!

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I haven’t gotten any invincibility when this happens I just get attacked immediately as soon as I spawn back in

But why? Don’t you feel guilty for it?

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bro spawnkilling is almost cheating, its demoralizing for the spawn killed, makes the game even sweatier than it already is and just isnt fun to play against


well im not sure but last time i got spawn killed i found that i have a few seconds of invincibility and the enemies can’t do damage to me

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