Space out megas maps more

Space out maps like titan and Sakura more, as well as future maps.

Maps like Titan and Sakura are really easy to rush on which makes playing on them not fun. Minion treasures shouldn’t be connected to the main one.

That’s what makes mega fun lol, the map creators can’t just space out the map because of rushing. That can possibly ruin how the map looks in someway. Take mushroom for instance, it’s a very good map but still there are a lot of rushers there. :mega:

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Yeah, but playing on maps like Resort isn’t fun because of how big it is. I don’t think anyone wants to play a game that drags on for far too long.

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tbh i think it’s fine. It still takes 64 blocks. Also just don’t be clueless enough to allow people to run by you and destroy your treasure