The seeker kit:
1 played tracker
1 efficiency iron pickaxe
1 efficiency stone axe
1 iron sword
The purpose of this kit is to find and reach people hiding
The sheriff kit:
1 power 2 bow
16 poison arrows
Iron armor with projectile protection
The sheriff kit is all about killing people from a distance
The murderer kit:
Sharpness 5 iron sword
Whenever you get a kill with this kit your sword loses a sharpness level. You cannot go below iron sword though.
Capture the flag kit:
Chain armor, leather helmet dyed your team color
10 boom boxes
16 arrows
1 bow
64 concrete your teams color
Treasure wars kit:
64 andesite
Iron sword
Chainmail armor
32 gold
1 ender pearl
Please help me balance these kits and suggest any more that I could add!
Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!
this sounds good.
but it’s the murderer kit not sherrif kit. AND SHARP 5 SWORD WHAT.
but other than that it’s good
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No I mean that the murderer kit is the next one I suggested. Also the sharp five iron sword goes down with kills. I could make it to down by two though
okay yeah that’s better. but than why did you say sheriff kit? That implies the next one would be a sheriff kit.
I’m sorry I do not understand. I list the kit names before the actual kit.
And I also list the description at the end.
oh mb. Yeah you need
I just laughed
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