Social Features Suggestions

Colored Friends name according to their ranks on the friends list.

Grey name for [No ranks]
Green for [+]
Red for [YT]
Pink for [S]
Dark Aqua for [H]
Yellow for [MOD]


because currently they are all Dark aqua, with this friends with special ranks would pop out.
its like having their ranks on the side of the name but much more cleaner.


/party (nonexisting argument) should do /party invite (nonexisting argument)

/party teleport should warp players to your server

Increase friend cap for hive+ to 200-300

Make overqueueing no longer possible(i.e. queueing solos with more than 1 and less than 8), if you are filling the entire game with your party only then stats do not count

/p mute to mute party chat

party moderators that can kick people and bypass /p mute but don’t own the party, useful for stream parties


/togglechat to turn off chat.

Will edit with more

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Change the compass at hub to an lodestone compass which looks enchanted?
This looks better and is more attractive :+1:


If they actually do that, they should hide the loadstone somewhere with a hub title.


Nah, There is way to work around it.

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Small bunp

I think it would be amazing if there was an option to add favorite friends (already mentioned by @OnlyOrbixx, you can vote here). If this was combined with sorting friends alphabetically, this would be an amazing change if they were shown at the top of the list. Also, it would be amazing if you could set it so that there’s an option for “favorite friends” in each /toggle option. This would be very useful for people/staff who add pretty much anyone to their friends list, and only want invites from favorite friends :slight_smile:


this encourages F A V O R I T I S M

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I think it could be cool to see boosters interact with members in a party. One booster for an hour could be used to double xp for an entire party.

This idea might be farfetched but it would be cool to see a ranking/trust system, every time you play with someone in your friends list it would give xp towards your trust, @OnlyOrbixx already said this but by playing with your friends more could would unlock Favorite Friends, ultra friends, etc! ; )
Just an Idea!


Yes and you definitely don’t have favoritism out of all people


At first I didn’t understand that, but now I think I do
its centuria isnt it

oh yeah a setting for friend organization

Order friends by people who played last.
John, Jake, and Josh are Xbox friends.
They were all online at once. But then, Jake left. Followed by John. Josh looks at his friends list. John appears at the top, since he was the last friend online.


I personally think this should be a toggle to turn on and off as there are times where friends will follow me into games to kill me or such, which can be a bit annoying as much as they might be added on my list. Or times where I am with a friend and people joining to ask even though I am already playing, or if I need to be alone and people are joining. (I dont know if this is possible but this should be excluding the hub, just for games)

This is just a personal opinion, a few people agreed to it so I decided to suggest it :sweat_smile:


Being able to invite multiple friends at once rather than having to open up the party menu again for each person



I dont know if this has been suggested or not, but when you retract a friend request either via command or by the friends menu that it should send a message in chat:

Retracted the friend invite to Splodg3r

Currently it doesnt say anything, which sometimes leaves me unsure or whether i actually did something.


I don’t know if this is suggested before or it will be added but when someone remove you from friend list you should get a message or when you join the hive if you’re offline

/block or /ignore! i’ve suggested this before, but yeah essentially makes it so you cant see messages, party invites, friend invites and custom server invites from a specific player


blocking players, take party to cs , select multiple to invite to party is the first I think of.

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An ability to set a status like using ‘x’ texture pack would be just nice. The friends list should show if someone is in a party and people should be kicked from a party or game for afk

I don’t think this has been suggested yet but when you toggle your Party Invites to ‘Off’ people are still able to send you party invites even though you can’t see them since you have the toggle off. There should be a way where it shows a message when you invite a person individually saying “This person is currently not accepting party invites” or something along those lines.

This would be very helpful because if a friend sends you a party invite, they will know that you are not ignoring them. I tried this out about a week ago and it just sends the party invite to the person anyways even though the player has it toggles off (the person that has it toggles off obviously can’t see it ).


Big bump, but is some of these things still in the works, or is this idea just being scrapped?

make it so its like a 3 second cooldown before death and starting a new game bc it is SO ANNOYING when ur in your 8th slot tyna block clutch and u die to void tryna clutch and accidently start a new game when ur teammate is still in the game