Slot Manager in TW

So, I saw another thread about this, though, I also want to get this out there, plus it’s already a few months old and I don’t think it’ll get any more votes than 10. So I also want to say it.

Idea: A Hotbar Manager in TW


Alright, so the UI would look like this:

A new tab in the shop called, “Inventory Manager”.
After clicking on it, you would have to select a number. 1 - 9. After that, you would be put into the Main Menu of the shop. Wherein, the item you select would be put into the slot chosen formerly. I think it’s a good idea, as I’m pretty sure it’s already possible with command blocks, but just more limited.

Now, we have a glitch that I think @Splodg3r should look at. It’s a glitch, where when moving items quickly through your hot bar, it does nothing.

Please vote, because I’m sure that the Hive actually implements some suggestions that the forums do give.

You should make a new topic in Server Bug Reports for this, it doesn’t fall under suggestions