Skywars Border/Storm

Make a Border / Storm in Skywars

Firstly, I think it would be a good addition especially with hiders, campers, afk people, and more. Please share your opinions, no bias, toxicity, and subjective talk.

Now, this is how it will work, a few minutes into the game, it will activate, and each minute after that it will come closer until it eventually reaches the middle island. The damage of the border will be like hive’s “return to the playable area” damage, and this will compress players, making the game more competitive, and lowers the chance you have to deal with a camper with a nemo on the semi-mid islands, or just chasing people across the map for a long time.

Thank you for reading this post

Hey there! I like your suggestion, but unfortunately this is a duplicate of this: Skybasing discussion, and suggestions to counter stalling

Next time, please use the search feature to avoid this mistake.
If you like this suggestion, vote for that, and have a good day, alright!

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If you want to be forced to the middle over time, consider playing sky royale instead of another mode of skywars.