Sky Wars Weekly Items translation report [German]

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Sky Wars lobby weekly items book (When looking at the locations where you can find the weekly items)

Affected Text:
Gefunden in: Glückserze, Reguläre Truhe, Endertruhen, Geheimnisvolle Truhen

Suggested Text:
Gefunden in: Glückserzen, Reguläre Truhen, Endertruhen, Geheimnisvolle Truhen

Explanation of Issue:
“Endertruhen, Geheimnisvolle Truhen” are written in plural while “Glückserze, Reguläre Truhe,” are written in singular. Since there are multiple of each I would suggest to change them also to plural words. Otherwise it might be leading to think there are just one of each which is not the case.
I have to admit you could discuss about the mysterious chest (Geheimnisvolle Truhe) of being just one but I would still write it in plural since they respawn after a few minutes.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a suggested improvement for our translations!

We have modified ‘Reguläre Truhe’ to ‘Reguläre Truhen’, but kept ‘Glückserze’ as it is, as this list is in nominative case.

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