Sky Wars play height text improvement [German]

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Sky Wars

Affected Text:
Voraussetzung "Minimale Spielhöhe"´ jetzt aktiviert! […]

Suggested Text:
“Minimale Spielhöhe” jetzt aktiviert! […]

Explanation of Issue:
This kinda bothered me for so long but I thought its on purpose. But I compared to the english language and its not like this there: The “weird looking” text.
But Im sure its only cuz of the extra symbol ´ which you can see in the text. By removing it the affected text should look normal like in any other language.
Also you dont actually need the word “Voraussetzung” here so I suggested to also remove it to maintain consistency.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for flagging this, I’ve removed the redundant symbol and this should fix the appearance of the text.

The updated text should appear in-game soon!

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